Most Holy Place Community Church
31735 Riverside Dr. Ste J
Lake Elsinore Ca. 92531
Worship Service
Most Holy Place Community Church would like to welcome you to our online site. Here you will find information to help you to make an intelligent choice to join us online, in person or donate. ​
This is a great place to grow, learn & experience God's love.
We are a non-denominational Christian church Located in the city of Lake Elsinore, CA. We love Jesus and we love people. As a new church we strive to keep the Word of God practical and relevant. We are a church that believes that the best life lived is the life we live for Christ. We strive to do all that we do with honesty and integrity. Link up with a church that believes that there is nothing to hard for God. Come as you are but you will not stay as you are.
what we Believe
We Believe that Jesus Christ, who came to earth in the form of a virgin birth. He came as the Savior and Lord to redeem us back to our Father God.
We Believe that Jesus died on the cross. John 20:8
We Believe that the Holy Spirit is a gift given to the Believers. Matt. 3:11, Lk 24:49, Acts 19:1-7
We Believe that salvation comes by way of faith in Jesus Christ. Rom. 5:20-21, 10:8-10, Eph. 2:8. Free-well and by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Gen. 14:20, Malachi 3:8-12, 1Cor. 16: 1-2
We Believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God, without any error, the all sufficient authority in matters of faith, doctrine, and Christian living.
We Believe that eternal salvation is the free gift of God, entirely apart from man's works, and is possessed by any and all who have faith in and receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
We Believe in on God, eternally existing in three Person: the Father, the Son, Holy Spirit.
We Believe that a person old enough to understand their need for Jesus Christ and, of their own free will, accepted Him as their personal Lord and Savior.
We Believe that man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and therefore lost. Only through regeneration by the work of the Holy Spirit can man's salvation and spiritual life be obtained.
We Believe that baptism is by immersion and the Lord's Supper is a memorial to His suffering and His death on the cross.
We Believe in the personal, bodily, imminent and glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ and that His second coming inspires believers for dynamic and zealous life and service for Him while waiting for His return.
Church Outlook
A Church dedicated to going beyond the Veil.
A Church dedicated to teaching the Word of God.
A Church dedicated to building the family unit.
A Church striving to prosper Spiritually, in Health & in Wealth.
A Church committed to helping its Community.
A Church concerned about living a true Christian Life.
A Church dedicated to teaching people how to live their God
designed Purpose.
A Church dedicated to pointing people toward God.
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